The “Anti” Neko

A Neko and her not so Neko fashion world…

Hunts and stuff

Posted by Allessandra Mapholisto on June 26, 2009

Quicky today since I have tons of stuff to do in both RL and SL so let’s get started!

Here’s a few hunts that I know are starting on the 1st.

Curious Kitty Grid wide Neko Hunt-No start point yet but I’ll let you know as soon as I get that info.

Gone Fishing Hunt-Yes, another fishing hunt.  Everyone enjoyed it so much the last time April decided to do it again!  Get out those 7Seas fishing poles and level up everyone!  I suggest Coull Creations as a starting point:

Passion’s Grid wide Hunt:  Look for the little hearts and start here:

Cinderella’s Lost Slipper Grid-Wide Hunt-From the note card:

You will be hunting the sims for the hidden Stiletto Shoes; all sizes and Colors. that the Wicked Stepmothers have hidden from our Cindys!! so in some places you might have to look extra hard! You need a hint eh? Look for the Fairy Godmother to Help you!! The Very Last Stiletto will take u to the Mysterious Glass Slipper where u will find ur prince and live happily ever after! You must complete the hunt in order to receive ur invitation to the Cinderella Ball where Bliss Couture & Nushru has donated wonderful gifts that we will be giving out for various awards!!! This will be a formal event and top secret; the location will be given via Subscribe o matic; so when u find the last slipper look for the Subscribeomatic near it and make sure u touch it! we will give the invite to you on 12pm of the last day of the hunt! Good Luck!! We will have prizes for Best Dressed, Best Hunt Gift, and many more!!!!  

Starting point:

New shoes in the Midnight Mania at AV.  Since I already own the outfit that matches the boots I’m signed up. hehe  This pair will be in there until Tuesday.  The weekly dollarbie is the oh so cute brown animal print dress.  Yes girls, this one is cute on too.


Weekly Dollarbie

Weekly Dollarbie

In the Midnight Mania

In the Midnight Mania

Lemina’s daily retiring design, as usual $1L
Head over to V-Fashion and pick up your group gift if you haven’t already!  Must join the update group or grab the cool new look book from the stand.  I recommend doing both since there is more than one free dress in the book.
June Group Gift

June Group Gift

That’s it for me today!
Happy Trails

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